The name “Zu-Lin Temple” (Bamboo Grove Temple) is a reference to the Purple Bamboo Grove in Guan Yin Bodhisattva’s Mount Putuo. The temple began as a house temple in Block 216 Boon Lay Way, where Mdm. Xu Guiyang enshrined a statue of Guan Yin Bodhisattva and provided spirit medium services. The spirit medium was said to be very effective and attracted many devotees. Mdm. Xu and other devotees hoped to build a temple in Western Singapore, so as to propagate Buddhism and allow people to worship the compassionate Guanyin Bodhisattva.
- 13 April 1982 – Zu-Lin Shrine is established. Fundraising begins
- 23 May 1989 – Zu-Lin Temple is officially recognised as a Buddhist organisation and permission is granted to build a temple which would be renamed Zu-Lin Temple. In that same year, the Singapore Buddhist Federation approved Zu-Lin Temple’s membership.
- 1982年4月13日,竹林坛成立,开始募捐建寺基金。
- 1989年5月23日,竹林坛正式获得社团注册局批准为佛教团体,可建立寺院,因而更名为竹林寺。同年,新加坡佛教总会批准竹林寺成为正式会员。

Upon registration, the first batch of the executive committee was chaired by Mr Lin Chengfu who was a well-known businessman. The advisor was Senior Parliamentary Secretary for the Ministry of Environment and Member of Parliament for Jurong Professor Ho Kah Leong. With the hard work of Chairman Lin and the committee as well as the sincere assistance of Professor Ho, fundraising activities were very proactive and so were efforts to find a suitable location for the temple’s location.
- March 1993 – Zu-Lin Temple moved to Jurong West Street 71 and was temporarily located in an air raid shelter.
- 31 March 1994 – Zu-Lin Temple placed a successful bid for a location at Bukit Batok West Avenue 5. The Iot size is approx. 21,350 square feet.
This land was leased for thirty years. After the successful bid, the government requested for a payment of $SGD 3.08 million within a week. At that time, the temple only had $SGD 500,000. Faced with such an unexpected request, the management requested committee members to take a loan from the council but their efforts were insufficient.
- 1993年3月,竹林寺迁入裕廊西71街,以地下防空壕作为临时道场。
- 1994年3月31日,竹林寺标得位于武吉巴督西第五道的地段,面积为21,530平方尺。
Fortunately, a Malaysian lawyer Mdm Lin Ling Ling generously came to the temple’s assistance and a crisis was averted. According to Lawyer Lin, one night she dreamt that Guan Yin Bodhisattva invited her to a vegetarian meal. Upon reading the papers the next day, she saw that Zu-Lin Temple was raising funds and she immediately understood the meaning of her dream. She donated $SGD250,000 and made a follow up donation of $SGD4,750,000. Her total donations exceeded $SGD 5,000,000. Her contribution to the temple is indeed significant. In view of her immeasurable merit, Lawyer Lin was bestowed the post of Permanent Honorary Chairperson.
During the construction of the temple, Zu-Lin Temple raised funds in three different ways/target audience:
- Auctions, charity fairs, distribution of vouchers and forging positive relations with the public.
- Requesting donations from well-known persons
- Recruiting devotees passionate about promoting Buddhism to participate in symbolic consecrations of the land, worshiping the bodhisattvas and making donations to various facilities.
- 以各种较专业的拍卖、义卖、发行彩券等,向社会各界广结善缘,呼吁共襄盛举;
- 向社会知名人士和团体募捐;
- 征寻热衷于弘扬佛法的信众,象征性献地或供养菩萨、捐赠各种大型设施。
On the afternoon of 1 January 1996, management, monastics and lay-devotees gathered to witness the earth moving ceremony and opened a new chapter in the temple history.
At that time, Zu-Lin Temple was a modern Dharma propagation facility, capable of multiple purposes. It had a 12 feet statue of Guan Yin Bodhisattva from which water could be dripped into the fountain, a lecture theatre with up-to-date facilities for Dharma talks and spiritual cultivation. On 24 march 2000 (Guan Yin’s birthday according to the lunar calendar), the temple organised a consecration ceremony for the Buddha statues and a Hua Yen Dharma Assembly that lasted for twenty-one days. For the next thirty years, countless devotees came to pay homage at temple during Vesak Day and other important occasions. As there were insufficient Dharma classes to meet the increasing demand, plans were made to rebuild the temple.
当时的竹林寺是一座彰显现代化色彩的多功能弘法道场,包括一尊高达12公尺的户外滴水观音菩萨像,以及设有先进设备的地下讲堂以供讲经说法和共修等用途。竹林寺在2000年3月24日,农历庚辰年二月十九观音圣诞之际, 举行开幕及佛像开光大典,并举办 21天的华严法会。此后三十载的岁月里,竹林寺香火鼎盛,信众络绎不绝,每逢佛诞日和各种佳节庆典时,寺院内都是人山人海,热闹非凡,却也显得挤迫。另外,因学生人数倍增但佛学课室却不敷使用, 本寺当务之急是妥善规划以重新修建寺庙。
The Road to Reconstruction: Overcoming Crises
After much discussion, the management committee decided to build an even larger temple on the original venue and permission for rebuilding was granted by the government in April 2016. The whole project required over $SGD 20,000,000. Fortunately, the temple received much support from devotees and well-wishers who pitched in to donate tiles, wooden brackets, lotus windows, architectural arches, wall carvings, umbrellas, flower decorations, Guan Yin carvings. The warm-hearted support of the public made the temple’s reconstruction possible.
The reconstruction project lasted for five years and un-went various challenges and crises. The application for demolition took half a year. The project was also delayed when the reconstruction did not fit the blueprint and the contractor in charge of making changes to the temple’s exterior took a long time to make progress. Covid-19 caused a further delay due to shortages of manpower and materials. But under the united efforts of the management committee, the labours of the craftsmen who worked overtime and the support of many devotees who continued with fund-raising, the reconstruction project was able to avert misfortune and successfully completed in 2021.
这项历时五年的重建工程可谓一波三折。首先是申请批准进行爆破拆除方面就花了超过半年时间,后因工程与绘图不符,加之负责修改外观的承包商的缓慢进度而有所耽误。新冠疫情(Covid 19)的阻断措施也让情况雪上加霜;建材和人手短缺,再再拖延了工程的进度,可谓艰难险阻。但在理事会成员们的齐心协力以及匠师们的加班加点、苦干实干下,承蒙十方居士的鼎力相助、奔走呼吁、多方筹措和虔诚护持,历经数年的重建才能屡屡雨过天晴、遇难呈祥,并终于在2021年大功告成。
Traditional Buddhist Culture: Ancient Exterior With A Golden Core
The temple’s leadership has spent much time and effort deliberating over many choices before settling on a design which uniquely combines new techniques and materials which were completed by artisans from China who were experienced in temple architecture and had participated in the construction of Mazu temples in Japan.
Zu-Lin Temple’s traditional exterior cost SGD $3 million. Instead of tile and wood, aluminium alloy was utilised to build the frame of the doors, windows and pillars, which was unprecedented in Singapore. Golden fluorocarbon paint was use to accentuate the opulent appearance of the building. This is also to suit Singapore’s humid weather. The bracket arch which was used for balance and ornamental purposes is also made of aluminium alloy. This is for durability and ease of maintenance.
The wall of the temple (which measures 6m by 21m) depicts the compassionate activities of Guan Yin Bodhisattva. Also, to save energy and reduce our carbon emission, thew temple uses LED lights. During festive seasons, the lights will enhance the contours of the temple and signifies the eternal light of Buddhism.
The traditional exterior of the temple and the use of modern materials complement each other. This also represents smart technology, pragmatism and versatility. This reflects the progressive spirit of the temple.