
Buddha and Bodhisattva

Water-Dripping Guan Yin

According to Chinese Pure Land Buddhism, Guan Yin Bodhisattva is one of the attendants on the left side of Amitabha Buddha, together with Mahasthamaprapta Bodhisattva on the right. Together, they are the “Holy Trinity of the West”. To save sentient beings, Guan Yin manifests in different forms. This is an especially popular form and is one of Guan Yin’s thirty-three incarnations. The “Water-Dripping Guan Yin” worshiped by Zu-Lin Temple carries a bottle in her left hand. The water dripping from it symbolises the nectar of Great Compassion washing away the sufferings of the world and to provide nutrition and salvation for all. A verse in praise of Guan Yin goes: “The nectar in her bottle is always available/The willow in her hand will never ages. /Wherever people pray she will respond/She is a boat on the sea of suffering.”

根据汉传佛教净土信仰,观世音菩萨(亦称观自在菩萨)乃阿弥陀佛左侧的胁侍,加上右侧胁侍的大势至菩萨,合称 “西方三圣”。


Amitabha Buddha

Amitabha Buddha
Amitabha Buddha, also known as the Buddha of Immeasurable Light and Life, is the Buddha of the Western Paradise. According to the Infinite Life Sutra, prior to his enlightenment, there was a king who lived during the time of Lokesvaraja. Aspiring to be enlightened. a king abdicated and became a monk known as Dharmakara (Dharma Treasure). After studying the pure lands of the various Buddhas, Dharmakara made forty-eight vows and cultivated for aeons before becoming Amitabha Buddha. He is currently preaching the Dharma in his Pure Land, which is many Buddha lands away from our planet. Amitabha Buddha welcomes all who call on his name into the Pure Land. As such, he is also known as the Buddha who welcomes.

阿弥陀佛(梵语Amitābha), 又名无量佛、无量光佛、无量寿佛等,是西方极乐世界的教主。

Maitreya Bodhisattva

Also known as “Compassionate Bodhisattva” or “Ajita Bodhisattva”, Maitreya Bodhisattva currently resides in the Tushita Heaven. After ten billion years have passed, he will descend into this “Saha world” and become a Buddha. As such, he is often known as “Maitreya Buddha”. After the Song and Yuan dynasties, Chinese Buddhist temples worshipped Maitreya as a laughing and potbellied Monk Budai (Cloth Sack). The more orthodox representations of Maitreya which depict him as cross-legged and wearing a crown are less common. Before he attained nirvana, Monk Budai left behind a verse which says: “Maitreya, the true Maitreya,/has many billions of incarnations,/frequently he instructs people of the world/Yet the people do not recognise him. The monk became regarded as an incarnation of Maitreya.



Vairocana Guan Yin

Vairocana Guan Yin is the Dharma body incarnation of Guan Yin. The Vairocana crown is a type of headwear for monastics because the crown contains depictions of Vairocana Buddha. Countless ages ago, Guan Shi Yin Bodhisattva attained enlightenment and became known as The Illumination of the True Dharma Tathagatha. But to save sentient beings, the Buddha manifested in the form of Vairocana so as to form karmic affinities with sentient beings.

观世音菩萨于过去无量劫中已成佛,名为“正法明如来”,但为了以大悲愿力普渡众生而倒驾慈航,示现毗卢观音菩萨形, 救度有缘众生。

Dragon Lady and Sudhana

Dragon Lady (Guan Yin’s attendant on her right). 
Guan Yin’s two attendants are Sudhana on the left and Dragon Girl on the right. According to the Devadatta chapter of the Lotus Sutra, Dragon Girl was the daughter of Sagara, the Dragon King. After listening to the Buddha expound the Dharma, she attained buddhahood. According to the scriptures, the Dragon Girl is wise and familiar with the various karmic conditions of sentient beings and has attained dharani. She is well-versed in the esoteric teachings of the buddhas and is skilful in meditating and practicing them. After aspiring for enlightenment, she had unshakeable resolve. To help sentient beings, Dragon Girl serves as Guan Yin’s attendant.

Sudhana (Guan Yin’s attendant on her left)
According to the Avatamsaka Sutra, Sudhana was instructed by Manjusri Bodhisattva to seek instructions from various wise teachers. After touring 110 cities and venerating 53 teachers, Sudhana met Samanthabhadra Bodhisattva and attained buddhahood. Guan Yin Bodhisattva was the 27th teacher that Sudhana met. In the end, Sudhana agreed to serve Guan Yin as her attendant, so as to help sentient beings.

根据《法华经·提婆达多品》所述,龙女过去是婆竭罗龙王的女儿,在参加法华会时,听闻佛法而立身成佛。依经上讲,龙女“智慧利根,善知众生诸根行业,得陀罗尼, 能够知诸佛所说甚深密藏,悉能受持,深入禅定,了达诸法,于刹那顷,发菩提心,得不退转”。最后龙女为了协助观世音菩萨普度世人而留在观世音菩萨身边,当右胁侍。


据《华严经》记载,善财童子(梵文Sudhana Kumara)得文殊菩萨教诲,去各佛国参拜善知识(导人为善道而得解脱之贤者,称为善知识)。

Guan Shi Yin Bodhisattva

Guan Shi Yin Bodhisattva’s Sanskrit name is Avalokitesvara. She is also known as Guan Yin, Guan Yin Niang Niang, Guan Zhi Zhai, etc. Guah Shi Yin Bodhisattva is one of Amitabha Buddha’s attendants. She wears a precious crown (which bears an image of Amitabha Buddha) while she seeks the sounds of the suffering. In Buddhism, Guan Shi Yin Bodhisattva is a personification of compassion. Whenever sentient beings meet with difficulties or suffering, Guan Shi Yin Bodhisattva’s compassionate vow-power will save them.

观世音菩萨 ( 梵 文Avalokiteśvara),也称为观音菩萨、观自在菩萨、观音娘娘等。观世音菩萨是阿弥陀佛的二胁侍菩萨之一,头戴宝冠。因其一心辅助阿弥陀佛,以寻声救苦的方式救度世人,所以宝冠上有阿弥陀佛的佛像。

Wei Tuo Bodhisattva

According to historical records of Indian Buddhism, Wei Tuo Bodhisattva (Sanskrit: Skanda) is a divine being in Brahminism. He was absorbed in the Buddhist pantheon and became a Dharma protector. He is one of the eight generals under the command of Southern Heavenly King Virūlhaka and is the commander of the thirty generals under the command of the Four Heavenly Kings. He wears a coat of armour and carries a diamond pestle. He is often installed in the Hall of the Heavenly Kinds behind Maitreya Bodhisattva. He is a protector deity who faces Shakyamuni Buddha.


Child-Delivering Guan Yin

Also known as “Child Delivering Mother”, this compassionate form depicts Guan Shi Yin Bodhisattva carrying a male baby. In the Lotus Sutra, it is written that anyone who desires a son will get a son endowed with blessings and wisdom if they pray to Guan Shi Yin Bodhisattva. If they desire a daughter, they will get a daughter with exquisite features.  In the Buddhist canon. there are six, seven and even thirty-three forms of Guan Yin. However, there is no “Child Delivering Guan Yin”. This was probably created by folk religion. In the past, devotees who had no children prayed to Guan Shi Yin with faith and thereafter had their wish fulfilled. This led to the creation of this holy form. 


Medicine Buddha

The Lapis Lazuli Master of Healing (Bhaisajya Guru Vaidurya Pabharaja) is also known as the Medicine Buddha who averts disaster and prolongs life. He is the Teacher of the Eastern Lapis Lazuli Pure Land. His Pure Land is described as Lapis Lazuli because it is pure and luminous. The Medicine Buddha, the Sun Bodhisattva and the Moon Bodhisattva is regarded as the “Holy Trinity of the East”. According to Buddhism, the Medicine Buddha made twelve vows to fulfil the wishes of sentient beings, deliver them from suffering and heal their diseases.

药师琉璃光如来,梵文为Bhaisajya Guru Vaidurya
世人将药师琉璃光如来、日光菩萨、月光菩萨合称 “东方三圣”。

Guan Sheng Di Jun (Sangharama Bodhisattva)

Guan Sheng Di Jun was a general in the Three Kingdoms period of Chinese history and was deified by emperors for his loyalty and righteousness. He is deeply venerated by the Chinese people. He is regarded as a protector deity in Chinese Buddhist temples.


Kinnara Bodhisattva

In Sanskrit, Kinnara means “Heavenly Music”. Kinnaras are protector deities in Buddhism and are part of the Eight Heavenly Dragons. According to legend, Shaolin Monastery was once surrounded by an army of Red Turbans (Mongols) when one of the cooks in the temple kitchen suddenly turned into a fierce Kinnara who stood on the hilltop waving a burning pole. At the sight of this frightening being, the Red Turbans beat a hasty retreat. From then on, Kinnara became worshiped as a protector deity in temple kitchens. He is also known as 監齋使者 (Ambassador who supervises how vegetarian food is prepared), In the Sutra of Sariputra’s enquires, it is written that Kinnara acquire his body because he helped people on the spiritual path by encouraging them and protecting them from evil practices.
