Characteristics of the Reconstructed Zulin Temple 竹林寺重建建筑特色

Level 1: The Hall of Perfection
The stories of the immortals visiting Guan Yin is related to
1) the mind that aspires for enlightenment,
2) the most excellent bodhi mind and
3) samadhi bodhi mind.
Guan Shi Yin Bodhisattva has immeasurable forms and is able to respond to prayers everywhere. She is a manifestation of the bodhi mind of the Buddhas and bodhisattvas and their vows to attain enlightenment and save sentient beings.
Manjusri embodies the most excellent bodhi mind. He puts an end to inferior teachings and manifests the most excellent parts of the exoteric teachings. This is what is meant by most excellent teachings.
Samanthabhadra embodies the mind of bodhi in samadhi. This means to view all sentient beings with equal vision.
These three bodhisattvas represent great compassion, great wisdom and great concentration.
Seven represents the perfection of Dharma. It represents East, South, West, North, Up, Below, Center. Such is perfection. The number also represents abundance and victory. The number seven is often found in Buddhism and is considered an auspicious number.

There are seven circular patterns on the flower of the ceiling in the Hall of Perfection. Each circle has 28 lotus petals and there are placed in the four directions.
They represent:
Seven dharmas: Earth, water, fire, wind, emptiness, views, consciousness
Seven sufferings: Birth, old age, sickness, death, meeting those who one hates, being separated from those that one loves and coveting for one cannot have.
Seven deluded views: evil views, egotism, eternalism, nihilism, the view the moral practices of non-Buddhist sects can lead to enlightenment, the view that austerities can lead to enlightenment and suspicion [of the Dharma].
Seven holy treasures: Faith, precepts, regret [of mistakes], shame [of shortcomings], hearing [Dharma], charity and wisdom.
Seven factors of awakening: Contemplation, discernment of Dharma, diligence, joy, relaxation, meditation, equanimity
Seven purities: Purity in precepts, purity of mind, purity of views, purity of being free from doubts, purity of being certain which is the Dharma path and which is not the Dharma path, the purity of wisdom in spiritual practice and the purity of wise view.
Seven Buddhas: Vipassī, Sikhī, Vessabhū, Kakusandha, Koṇāgamana, Kassapa and Gautama.
• 七法:地、水、火、风、空、见、识
• 七苦:生、老、病、死、怨憎会、爱别离、 求不得
• 七妄见:邪见、我见、常见、断见、戒盗见、果盗见、疑见
• 七圣财:信、戒、惭、愧、闻、施、慧
• 七觉支:念丶择法丶精进丶喜丶轻安丶定丶舍
• 七清净:戒清净、心清净、见清净、度疑清净、 道非道清净、行道智见清净、智见清净
• 七佛 :毗婆尸佛、尸弃佛、毗舍婆佛、拘楼孙佛、拘 那含牟尼佛、迦叶佛以、乔达摩(释迦牟尼佛)

A bold innovation and a creation of a high-quality image that is synonymous the culture of filial piety. Other than being an ideal resting place for the deceased, it is also a cultural attraction. It inculcates a public mindset that the basement of Zulin temple is the flower of the soul and a hall where the Buddhas will bless you and your descendants.
To propagate Dharma and at the same time to encourage filial piety. To let the living be at peace and the deceased to attain the Pure Land.
The layout is reasonable and the space is expansive. The interior is fully utilised and the directions are clearly navigable. It facilitates the monastics for their Dharma activities such as chanting sutras and providing offerings for the ancestors.
There are three main areas: The Lecture Theatre of Perfection, The Hall of Merit and the Hall of Peaceful Repose.
There is a Thousand Armed and Thousand Eyed Guanshiyin Bodhisattva in the Lecture Theatre of Perfection which is made of pure copper gold plate. There are also blessing lamps.
整体空间布局合理,活动区域宽敞。内部区域充分利用空间,将利用率发挥到极致。路线清晰顺畅, 充分体现法师诵经超度,香火供奉,祭祀活动等便利。

Hall of Merit – 功德堂
The Hall of Merit is filled with golden light which symbolises everlasting remembrance. There are circular representations of the sun and the moon. The golden Dharma wheel represents the light of Buddhism blessing the ancestors. This visual display is visually irresistible. The Hall also enshrines Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva and around 8,000 ancestral tablets.
金色之光, 日不落的思念
The Hall of Peaceful Repose 安养堂

Entering the Hall of Peaceful Repose,
one can see an elegant statue of Amitabha Buddha and a canopy with sunflower designs. The sunflower represents the joyful sun. It also represents nostalgia and remembrance of the deceased. The Hall accommodates 5,000 niches and is divided into four categories.