The temple’s Facilities: To Propagate Buddhism And Benefit Sentient Beings
The new building was twice the size of the original and includes
- Prayer Hall on the first floor (which enshrined a Vairocana (Pilu) Guan Yin)
- Office, conference room and Zu-Lin Altar on the second floor
- Vegetarian canteen on the third floor
- Classrooms for Buddhist studies on the fourth floor
- Accommodations for monastics on the fifth floor
- Lecture hall, prayer chamber and a shrine for ancestral tablets in the basement
The 12m high bronze statue of Guan Yin Bodhisattva has stood guard over the temple for more than thirty years. Her lotus platform measures almost two metres. The statue’s expression is compassionate. In her left hand, she holds a bottle while her right hand bestows courage. Standing on the lotus, Guan Yin showers blessings on countless sentient beings with immeasurable nectar.
- 一楼为圆通宝殿(供奉毗卢观音);
- 二楼为办公室、会议厅、竹林坛;
- 三楼为五观堂;
- 四楼为佛学课堂;
- 五楼为法师居住的寮房;
- 地下一层为地殿,分为圆通讲堂、功德堂和安养堂。
Worship the Buddha And Purify humanity
When the temple’s construction is completed, it shall collaborate with the Singapore Tourism Board. It will be designated as a tourist attraction so that more people will be introduced to the spirit and culture of Guan Yin Bodhisattva. This will help to spread Buddhism and serve the public.
In his congratulatory message to the temple on its 30th anniversary.The Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong mentioned that Zu-Lin Temple is not just a venue to promote Buddhism. It is also one of the tourist attractions in the western part of Singapore (with Little Guilin nearby). Other than facilitating worship for Buddhists, the temple is also able to attract visitors from different cultural backgrounds as well as tourists from neighbouring countries. This is not just to achieve interfaith interaction it can also make society more prosperous
In his congratulatory message, Minister Lawrence Wong also emphasised that the temple is a fortress of Buddhism. If it is able to do well in Buddhist education, it can help people achieve calm and happiness as well as ensure stability and peace for the nation’s future. Urban dwellers living in a pressurising and competitive environment face depression and anxiety. The Minister hopes that Zu-Lin Temple will bless and purify people with Buddhist education so that they may be free from delusion and suffering, so as to make contributions to the community.
As such, having another centre of Buddhist cultural education in the western part of Singapore is not just a place to purify humanity, it will also be a multi-purpose hub for cultivating Buddhist cultural education, interaction with others and a new tourist attraction for those who want to worship the Buddha.

Passing The Torch To Next Generation
Our current permanent honorary advisor Professor Ho Kah Leong has pointed out that Zu-Lin Temple is able to spend generously on reconstruction because its finances have been competently managed. With appropriate management, the temple will be able to attract youths and renew itself. He hopes that through the organisation of classes and talks, more young people will join and ensure that the temple continues to have new blood and will be passed on to the next generation.
According to Zu-Lin Temple’s abbot Venerable Kwang Phing, ever since the temple moved to Bukit Batok Avenue 5, its facilities have become bigger and can accommodate more students. With the upgrade of “hardware”, the temple’s “software” must also keep up with the times. For example, the quality of its teaching has to be more vigilant. The Dharma classes must be more relevant to the lives of people. In 2019, the temple organised a Youth Wing to attract more young people to take up Buddhist studies and increase more membership for Buddhism.
According to the temple’s manager Mr Chua Hoo Tai, the temple should be equipped with Buddhist knowledge and management from professional backgrounds so as to attract talent for the temple to grow and propagate Buddhism. As such he feels that after reconstruction and under the leadership of Venerable Kwang Ping to strengthen the monastics, a resurgence in Dharma propagation, the broadening of Buddhist education, the organisation of more Dharma assemblies and provision of short-term ordination will improve interactions with the temple and Buddhist communities from overseas.
To Benefit And Bless Sentient Beings With Compassion
Former Northwest District mayor and Member of Parliament for Bukit Panjang GRC Teo Ho Pin wrote, in his congratulatory message, that the monastics of Zu-Lin Temple will embody the compassionate spirit of Guan Yin Bodhisattva to lead society to take up charitable causes. This would realise the spirit of Buddhism as well as improve society. He hopes that the temple’s monastics will keep striving to realise the compassionate spirit of Guan Yin Buddhism, build up virus acts and create a societal culture of compassion and care.
As such, Venerable Kwang Phing hopes that the reconstructed Zu-Lin Temple will have a library and conduct regular parenthood lessons, Buddhist classes for Beginners, short-term ordinations, etc, He wants to be proactive in propagating the sutras so as to widely benefit society and continuously upgrade the cultural cultivation of the temple.
Zu-Lin Temple the late Chairman Datuk Lim Kim Chong prayed that after reconstruction, Zu-Lin Temple will contribute to charities and clinics so as to provide free dialysis services for kidney patients from lower income households. Due to spatial constraints, the temple can set up a dialysis centre at the nearby HDB blocks. Patients who need dialysis thrice a week have to spend a few hundred dollars on each session. This would have a huge impact on the lives of patients who are from lower income households. Out of compassion and a desire to help the vulnerable, he suggested setting up a dialysis centre,
Now that the six storeys of the temple have been built, everyone in the temple shall continue to bless sentient beings with compassion, so as to alleviate them from suffering and delusion. As Singapore emerges from Covid and returns to normalcy in daily interactions and the economy, Zu-Lin Temple would have undergone five years of reconstruction and will open a new chapter in 2022 and many coming years. The reconstructed temple will, under the guidance of Guan Yin Bodhisattva and the Sangha, continue to benefit sentient beings with compassion, nurture their Buddha nature and actualise the Bodhisattva spirit.