Ancestral Tablets
百善孝为先 – 本寺功德堂(B1) 供奉着地藏王菩萨,是安奉尊亲挚爱的神主牌位之理想场所,共有8000多个位置。殿内环境舒适,路线清晰顺畅,为法师诵经超度,香火供奉及祭祀活动等提供极大便利。
Filial piety is the foremost virtue. Earth Store Bodhisattva is enshrined in the Hall of Merit (B1) and is the ideal location for ancestral tablets. There are over 8,000 places available. The environment is comfortable and easily accessible. Chanting by monastics and offering ceremonies will be of great benefit.
欢迎致电寺务处+65 6665 7566 查询更多详情。
Kindly contact our service counter at +65 6665 7566 for more information.