招募青年团成员 Recruitment of Youth Volunteers

若您的子女(年龄介于12-18岁之间)乐于学习佛法,并希望参与本寺的活动,获得更多培育及学习的机会,欢迎加入我们的青年团义工团队。 If your children (age 12-18) is interested in learning Buddhism and would like to participate in temple activities to gain more learning opportunities, they are welcome to join our Youth Volunteer Group.

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招募永续发展组义工 Recruitment of Sustainability and Development Volunteers

若您对策划、宣传及执行本寺活动感兴趣,欢迎加入我们的永续发展组义工团队。 If you are interested in planning, publicity and administration of temple activities, you are welcome to join our group of Sustainability and Development Volunteers.

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招募护法义工 Recruitment of Dharma Volunteers

若您想服务于各种法务活动,协助竹林寺接待更多信众的朝拜,欢迎加入我们的护法义工团队。 If you would like to engage in Dharma service and help Zu-Lin Temple serve more devotees, you are welcome to join our dharma volunteer group.

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